About us
Victory Baptist Church was established in December of 1992 to reach families in Columbia with the good news of Jesus Christ. Victory is an independent Bible-believing baptist church, made up of local Chrisitan families and individuals who love the Lord and care about people. Our goal is to reach Columbia one family at time and the world through our faithful missionaries. We have many ministries including but not limited to: soul-winning/visitation, nursing home ministry, Sunday school, nursery for all services, Jr. Church, an exciting youth group, adult choir, children's choir, and orchestra. We invite you to join and serve the Lord with us. We see our church as a place to worship God, find friends, and become a part of the family.
King James Bible
We believe the King James Bible to be the perfect and infallible word of God. We believe the Word of God as presented in the KJV 1611 Bible to be inspired by God in its origination and divinely preserved throughout the generations. We welcome all guests to come and listen to the true Word of God regardless of your current beliefs.